Perth Humpback Season 2024 Begins

Whale Watch Western Australia

Perth Humpback Season 2024 begins as we found ourselves surrounded by beautiful, curious Humpback Whales today in the waters just off Perth. The weather had started to clear after a few days of wintery conditions and with the winds easing and rain showers slowing it was a perfect opportunity to head out and enjoy our first day of spring with the Humpback Whales. The southbound migration is well underway as the first wave of yearlings, juveniles and young adults meander south in preparation for their fast approaching summer feeding season. During the long journey south these youngsters love nothing more than some social interaction and the waters off Perth provide a wonderful location with sheltered waters close to the coastline ideal for visiting whales. This morning we were surrounded by cheeky juveniles who were very excited to be enjoying some social time as they twisted and rolled together before deciding to approach us to investigate.

One of the youngest was most curious as he approached and spent most of the interaction giving us a big hug with beautiful spy hops alongside the Steep Point. The afternoon observed boisterous adults as all four were having an absolute ball as they too were rolling and turning together. Trumpeting erupted as the excitement grew with the most dominant of the pod rolling over into some lazy tail lobs and pec slaps. It is always incredible to hear the power of those exhalations which has been recorded between 300 to 600 kilometres per hour. Further pods were scattered and as a steady flow of Humpback Whales start making their way south we will continue to observe hundreds everyday making their way past Perth. Today is just the beginning of many more wonderful interactions to come and now is the perfect time to meet these curious and playful young adults who are the first southbound whales within their population. Perth Humpback Season 2024 begins and we look forward to welcoming Pod Members onboard for the season ahead, see you soon!


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