Perth Southern Right Whale Sighting

Whale Watch Western Australia

Perth Southern Right Whale sighting in a very special and rare encounter this afternoon. Southern Right Whales are an endangered species who are generally observed along our southern coastline. Sightings from Perth are very rare and each season we may have only one sighting of this particular species in the waters off Perth. Mothers don’t tend to migrate much further north than Geographe Bay but as numbers in their population grow we are starting to see rare sightings of them in areas less known to be favoured in their nursery ground range. Our afternoon was a very special one as mother and calf surfaced with both looking healthy and happy as they searched for the perfect location to settle in for an afternoon rest.

The gorgeous Southern Right Whale calf wasn’t the only little one out and about this afternoon as we also sighted our first southbound Humpback mum and calf pod today with the little one stretching out and practicing some breaching and head lunging in the afternoon sunshine. Our morning also enjoyed the company of many juvenile pods who were in migration mode as they made their way towards Rottnest Island in preparation for the next leg of their journey south. Playful and social within their own pods of two the youngsters did a bit of rolling and turning to keep things interesting as they socialised and travelled at the same time, multitasking Humpback Whales! A very special day to enjoy observing a Perth Southern Right Whale sighting and we have nicknamed the little one in honour of Adrian and hope to see this precious new member of the Southern Right Whale population in the years ahead revisiting our Perth coastline.


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