Perth Southern Right Whales

Perth Southern Right Whales were sighted today with much excitement as a brand new calf and mum surfaced in the turquoise waters off Fremantle. It was a wonderful surprise as sightings of Southern Right Whales off the Perth coastline is not very common due to the low numbers of this endangered species. Thankfully, every new calf is another precious member of the ever growing population and it was a joy to meet this brand new bub today. The little one was healthy and mother whale was relaxed as she gently approached us to have a look with both looking in fantastic condition. Hopefully they will spend a few days resting in the sheltered waters here before getting ready to continue south in the days to come.

There was once a whaling station on both Carnac Island and Bathers Beach many years ago which affected the local Southern Right population who used to raise their calves in the waters along the Perth coastline. Hopefully these mother whales raising the next generation are connected to those past whales and we will continue to see this very special species grow from strength to strength. Plenty of Humpback Whale pods were busy moving through the resting grounds today as well as they enjoy some time to rest in the sheltered waters before continuing on their southbound journey. A very curious juvenile approached us on our afternoon tour and was practically climbing aboard the Steep Point! Always fantastic to build trust and a friendship with these very special whales and enjoy their company. Perth Southern Right Whales and happy Humpbacks completed a wonderful weekend whale watching off the Perth coastline.

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