Rare White Fluke Humpback Calf

Whale Watch Western Australia
Rare white fluke Humpback calf was sighted today, a very unique and special sighting of such a beautiful individual Humpback Whale. What a beautiful morning it was as we headed out, the sun was shining and the waters were calm. As we came into the sighting grounds we spotted the most stunning little calf, this youngster had markings we have never seen before on a calf and only on a couple of occasions with adult whales. A completely white fluke on both sides with a white trail reaching up towards the dorsal fin, this baby was absolutely stunning. Mother whale also had a lot of white but not so much on her fluke, we were very excited to have the opportunity of collecting identification images of both. Humpback Whales with completely white flukes are incredibly rare to see and from observations over the years and the many thousands of whales we meet every year this is our first white fluke calf and we were certainly very excited to meet this little one!

Wishing them well we joined with a couple of other pods moving through the sighting grounds including a very excitable calf who was pec slapping away during each surfacing. A slight breeze around this afternoon as we went back out to our sighting grounds to see who we would have the opportunity of meeting. The first pod we met were incredibly curious as they beelined us and came over for a good look at everyone onboard. It is always a wonderful feeling to be so close to wild whales when they decide to approach us for an interaction as this mum and calf did today with both very interested in our vessel and all Pod Members onboard. It was also a busy afternoon for a few of the other pods nearby with mums and calves enjoying some pec slapping, inverted tail slapping and tail lobs as they stretched out in the afternoon sunshine. A very special day with many special whales who we hope to meet again in the very near future.


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