Rottnest Island Eco Tour it was today as we sighted incredible double breaching Humpbacks, a big male Australian Sea Lion and friendly Bottlenose Dolphins in the waters surrounding Rottnest Island. A beautiful morning as the easterly winds eased and calm conditions greeted us on our arrival to the sighting grounds. Suddenly, a small brown shape raced towards us quickly and the familiar appearance of a whiskery snout broke the surface… hello Mr Sea Lion! Seeming surprised to see us and a bit curious, he hung around for a few moments before returning to his morning fishing. The local Bottlenose Dolphins were just a bit further ahead as they came over to say their good mornings, this certainly was turning into a Rottnest Island Eco Tour!
The Humpback Whales were waiting and ready to greet us as we joined with two sub adults who were gently cruising through the shallows. A couple of the Bottlenose Dolphins had ventured over and it wasn’t long before the two Humpbacks and Dolphin friends were having a bit of a social time. We watched a pod carefully just to our starboard and throughout the morning they were resting, until another pod of two approached and the entire energy levels changed. We watched on in amazement as both adult Humpbacks launched into perfect double breaching… how incredible! A very special behaviour to witness as the symmetry of both whales created the most magical double breaches and the show was definitely not over just yet. They began to pec slap and move their way towards us and away from the approaching pod, the enormous one ton pectoral landed with a huge thud on the calm Indian Ocean creating special memories.