Rottnest Island Whale Watch Tours

Rottnest Island Whale Watch tours today as dozens of pods socialised and communicated in the waters just off Rottnest Island. It was another stunning morning as perfect conditions made for the best playground as the calves buzzed with excitement. Language of the Whales is a wonderful part of our tours to observe and learn about as we see the new calves practicing their skills and learning how to communicate as a Humpback Whale. Breaching, pec slapping, head lunging and fluke slapping was all practiced today amongst the many pods who were converging in the resting grounds. It turned out to be a very social morning as the little ones made the most of the opportunity to be heard and have conversations with other pods closest to them.

It wasn’t just the close pods though as we could see the horizon light up with further pods breaching in response as the language travelled far and wide. It is always interesting to see how some pods are keen on joining in the conversation while others quietly move away from the area and find somewhere a bit quieter to sleep. It is important to rest and feed their calves during the time spent in resting grounds, but socialising is also a big part of development for a Humpback calf. It is the intelligence that we see from our whales to know the right times to rest and the right times to play. The morning was all about play and communication lessons as the pods made the most of the beautiful day and it was a wonderful opportunity to observe the fun being had amongst all of the pods. Rottnest Island Whale Watch tours will continue to be enjoyed for the next few weeks yet as many more pods are yet to head south and we cannot wait to meet them!

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