Bremer Bay Orca Season 2024 Begins

Bremer Bay Orca Season 2024 begins as today within moments of arriving in The Patch we were welcomed by Queen and her family pod. The family were busy foraging initially as they were in stealth mode and very focused. It didn’t take all that long before success as we observed the family pod who had originally been stretched out over a large area now converged back together again. A small Beaked Whale appeared to have been captured as a distinctive oil slick formed at the surface and the family began to feed happily. It was at this time that Queen and her family approached us as they shared their meal together with the calves especially excited.

Samurai raced over to greet us and all the calves within the family pod were accounted for, fantastic to see them all doing so well and looking very healthy. Further pods were also foraging nearby as Kidji and Cheryl both spent time foraging through The Patch with their families. It is always exciting to be onboard the first tour for season 2024 and catch up with all of the families we have missed since April last year. All looked very healthy and have a good amount of weight on indicating that the winter and spring has been good to them with plenty of food. The days ahead will be of great interest as we continue to observe the families and what they get up to each day with hopefully many more successful hunts ahead of them.

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