Southern Ocean Orca Hunt

Southern Ocean Orca hunt was the focus today for Stella and her family as they worked hard to find a meal opportunity. It was a beautiful morning with a calm sea as we made our way out to The Patch and with very little wind around the Shearwaters were finding it tricky to cover ground. A stronger breeze enables seabirds to glide with ease and travel further distances when in search of food. Little to no breeze causes them to use their wings more which in turn burns through more of their energy reserves. A big part of every wild creatures life is all about energy conservation and making the most of the energy reserves you have to find the next meal opportunity. The first Orca on scene today was Stella and Hookfin who were in cruise control towards The Patch.

Covering ground effortlessly it didn’t take them long to make their way back up into the heart of the hunting grounds. Joining with pod members they now began the next phase of their day which was less about travel and more about foraging with focus concentrated to the eastern side of The Patch. A sudden surge erupted as they regrouped and put all of the calves and juveniles into the creche with a couple of babysitters as the mature adults moved out and began searching through the area. Cubs who is now two years old was very excited to see us and made his way over excitedly to the Steep Point to say hello and it was wonderful to see him looking so well and full of beans! Chalky was as handsome as ever as he too surfaced just off our bow and it was wonderful to spend some time with them all today.

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