Bremer Bay Orca El Notcho

Bremer Bay Orca El Notcho was back in The Patch today along with his family pod as they stretched out and enjoyed the beautiful weather. It was another big blue sky day with a calm sea making for an efficient journey out towards the sighting grounds as Offshore Bottlenose Dolphins were busy foraging on the many pilchards to be found in these waters. Moments after arriving blows and dorsal fins cut through the water just ahead as we were approached by Cookie and her family pod which includes Bremer Bay Orca El Notcho. He is such a handsome boy who has filled out beautifully and today was showing off his strength and great health as he came in for a close look and morning greetings. The family was busy today foraging as Cooee and Echo joined with them along with new calf Poppy who was very excited to see everyone this morning.

A beautiful day to enjoy some travel time as the family moved out to the east while moving together as one. Surfacing right alongside it is always incredible to see the symmetry and hear the power of those exhalations when the Orca are underway. Once a rhythm is set they can travel many miles this way as they did this morning before making their way back up towards The Patch. During the journey we observed a large gathering of Shearwaters making the most of a few squid scraps they had found as they squabbled for every last morsel. A large oil slick originally observed earlier this morning indicated the Orca had achieved some predawn success so although they were on the lookout for their next meal it was good to know they likely had food in their bellies already. Pearl the Australian Sea Lion and some of her mates were having an absolute ball this afternoon as they chased after each other around Glasse Island putting on an impressive display of their acrobatic skills underneath our feet.

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