Southern Right Flinders Bay Augusta

Southern Right Flinders Bay Augusta this morning as we were ecstatic to see our first Southern Right Whale arrival for Season 2023. Departing the Augusta Boat Harbour all eyes were looking carefully for the first sighting as a very large, muffled blow in the shape of a heart appeared. Anticipation was high as we approached and confirmed that we most certainly did have a Southern Right Whale in Flinders Bay! She was beautiful and as we slowed and waited for her next surfacing an almighty exhale erupted right alongside us as she had come over to say hello. The very special Southern Right Whales are well known for their gentle, curious nature which many years ago was a problem for them as they would approach whaling vessels. Their name originates from how the whalers would refer to them as the right whale to hunt at the time. 

Thankfully they have been protected for many years and their population is making a slow but steady recovery. She decided to spend some time hanging out with us and her enormous girth indicated that she will be expecting the arrival of her new calf very soon. Hopefully we will see many more females arriving in the coming weeks and welcome the arrival of many newborns for this endangered and recovering population. Wishing her well we also enjoyed the company of our migrating Humpback Whales who were on a mission as they moved through Flinders Bay quickly. Multiple pods were in migration mode as they travelled towards the reef line and it is this steady but persistent movement that enables every Humpback Whale to achieve an incredible migration that can be a total journey of over thirteen thousand kilometres once they return back to Antarctica in the early summer months.

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