The Southern Right Whale nursery grounds take in the beautiful views of Flinders Bay and ensure that the next generation of Southern Right Whales have a fantastic start to life. Our morning began with a few cheeky Bottlenose Dolphins cruising past our stern and continuing on with their foraging. Four Humpback Whale escort pods were travelling through the bay and we joined one of them as they picked up speed. Noticing the energy change we watched on carefully when a sudden breach behind us explained why this pod next to us were in such a hurry, they were trying to create some space! The second pod behind was closing in on their area and all four escort pods seemed focus on making some ground north. Late in the season, but still plenty of time to make it towards the Kimberly Region if they are quick and focus with their migration movements.
The afternoon sunshine was lovely and warm, those cheeky Bottlenose Dolphins were back once again and we enjoyed their company for a while. Bow riding and symmetrical swimming unfolded underneath our feat as the pod journeyed with us and the beautiful silvery tones captured the sunlight perfectly. Our Southern Right Whale nursery grounds were busy with others and calves resting in the shallows. Growing steadily each day, it wont take too long before these calves are almost unrecognisable due to their incredible growth and by the time they are ready to leave Finders Bay they will have almost doubles in size! The older calf and his relaxed mum enjoyed some rest as they gently bobbed close to us and we watched on as the little one popped below for w few quick feeds before continuing his game of circling around mum.