Southern Right Whales in Augusta are starting to gather in good numbers as we see this endangered species take over Flinders Bay. A beautiful morning greeted us and as we departed the Augusta Boat Harbour all eyes scanned carefully for the distinctive surfacing of whales. A large, muffled blow appeared which was quickly followed by another as two young adult Southern Right Whales surfaced side by side. Relaxed and curious they approached for a closer look before continuing their Sunday morning wander through the bay. It is lovely to see these young adults and they will be on the lookout for other adult whales arriving in the bay over the coming days and weeks. Socialising and interacting is a very important part of the winter and spring for these whales as it is not only their calving season but also their breeding season during the winter months.
The mothers and calves were stretched out and relaxing close to the coastline. The calves have an enormous appetite and happily consume a couple of hundred litres of milk per day. All that food results in a very speedy growth rate for the youngsters who look visibly larger every week that goes past. It is important as the mother whales are hopeful for their calves to gain enough weight and physical strength to be ready for the long swim back south in late spring as they return to their summer feeding grounds. That journey is a long way off yet and for now it is all about relaxing, feeding and resting for these little family pods scattered along the coastline of Flinders Bay. A great start to the Southern Right Whale season and we look forward to seeing these lovely young calves continue to grow and develop in the weeks ahead.