Perth Canyon Blue Whale
The largest mammal ever to grace the planet
The Blue Whale can measure 31 meters in length and weigh 100+ tons. Classified endangered there is an estimated only 12 to 20,000 remaining around the globe. The Perth Canyon is the Autumn feeding grounds of these incredible whales and one of the only locations in the world the elusive Blue Whale can be sighted in the wild.
This is your opportunity to be part of a new frontier of research and development with Whale Watch Western Australia as we continue to document, observe and identify these gargantuan and graceful creatures.
Blue Whale Migration
The Perth Canyon is a Biomass bonanza which stands unrivalled on the Western Australian coastline as the marine production epicentre.
The migration of the Blue Whale unfolds every year and is centred around finding krill. During the summer months the Blue Whales gather to feast on krill swarms in the Bonney Upwelling located off the southern coastline of Australia. Preparing for the long migration ahead the change of season as we shift into Autumn signals the arrival of Blue Whales in the Perth Canyon as hundreds gather to feed on the abundant krill and stay in the area for a few weeks.
The next stage of their journey during the winter months takes them north as they travel into international waters and make their arrival in the Banda Sea. Feeding continues here along with the birth of newborn calves as the females raise and nurture the next generation in the warm tropical waters. Spring observes the Blue Whales continuing back towards Australia where they will arrive back in the Bonney Upwelling just in time for the summer feeding season.
Are Blue Whales the largest animal on Earth?
The Blue Whale is the largest animal to have ever existed on planet earth, how fortunate are we to have them still alive today! The reason behind why they are larger than any dinosaur is simply due to them living in a marine environment. Although dinosaurs reached similar lengths they were certainly not able to match the weight of a Blue Whale. The Blue Whale also has the benefit of having a lot of room to live in as water takes up 70% of the earths surface with most of this accounted for by the ocean. Plenty of space, less gravity and bountiful food sources allowed the gigantic Blue Whales to reach their full potential and become the largest animal ever known.
Are Blue Whales really blue?
One of our favourite moments when watching Blue Whales is the turquoise blue that grows stronger and larger as the whales return to the surface to breath. The perfect example is below as you can see with one of our guests suitably dressed in the appropriate colours for their tour! The blue glow of these whales is how they coined their name and is one of the most beautiful sights on the planet. The big surprise is when they break the surface and their mottled grey skin appears. The large size of the Blue Whale and reflective light creates this unique iridescent turquoise blue demonstrating why these beautiful whales are called Blue Whales even though they are grey.
The world's largest nomads
The Blue Whales of the world have no specific home that they live all year in, they spend their time constantly on the move towards their next feeding ground. These epic journeys take them many thousands of kilometres and from one ocean to another. The preferred feeding grounds are reached at different times of the year depending on when the krill densities are at their peak and no energy is ever wasted on unprofitable feeding grounds. Travel is a vital part of the life of a Blue Whale and during their lifetime they can travel to the moon and back again.
Biggest babies ever known
The title of the worlds largest baby certainly belongs to the newborn Blue Whale calf. One of our favourite Blue Whale facts is that at birth a Blue Whale calf will be approximately eight meters long and five tonnes in weight. Gestation for a female Blue Whale is 11 to 12 months and the calf will be born tail first to avoid drowning. Newborn Blue Whales are also believed to be born in warmer waters where nursery grounds for these baby giants can be found as they are born with almost no blubber and would be easily affected by cold waters. Drinking the equivalent of 1,300 glasses of their mothers rich milk everyday (which is 40-50% fat) allows for the most incredible daily weight gain of 90 kilograms, that is around 4 kilograms per hour!

Facts About Perth Canyon
Located only 27 nautical mile off the Perth coastline
Boasting gargantuan dimensions larger than the Grand Canyon with origins dating back to the entrance of the Swan River in Perth, Western Australia.
Research teams have monitored Blue Whales along with many other cetaceans and mega fauna that come here to feed on krill created by the Leeuwin Undercurrent and the Perth Canyon topography. This interaction creates nutrient rich upwelling waters where phytoplankton develops and an intense food chain for marine life prospers. This new Whale Watch frontier just off the Perth, Western Australian coastline is the feeding grounds for the largest known aggregation of Blue Whales in the southern hemisphere and our Perth Canyon Blue Whale tour is the only genuine, guaranteed Blue Whale tour of its kind in Australia.
The biodiversity includes Sperm Whales, Pilot Whales, rarely sighted Dolphin species, Australian Sea lions, Sharks, Migratory Sea Birds, Sunfish, Tuna and much more who gather to feed on this biomass bonanza which stands unrivalled on the Western Australian coastline as the marine production epicentre.
Tour Dates: April – May
The only guaranteed Blue Whale tour in Australia – The opportunity of a lifetime!
Location: Fremantle, Western Australia
How to Prepare For Your Experience
- We recommend taking motion sickness medication the night prior and on the morning of your tour if you are susceptible. (Please consult your Doctor)
- Children participating in the extended tours must be a minimum of 10 years and some ocean experience is recommended.
- Warm jacket in all weather conditions is advisable.
- Tours are weather dependent so when possible be flexible in planning your travel date.
- Personal camera if required (Professional photographer is onboard).
Departure Time is 8:00am
- Sardine Jetty, Mews Road, Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour
- Please check departure pickup points and times.
- Please arrive 30 mins prior to departure time
- Boarding commences 15 minutes prior to departure.
- Boarding Gate closes 5 minutes prior to departure (No Exceptions)