Squid Hunters

Whale Watch Western Australia

Squid hunters of the Bremer Canyon were busy today as we arrived to a commotion of Pilot Whales, Offshore Bottlenose Dolphins and the Orca all in hunt mode today. Our first sightings were of Pilot Whales moving through the area with many Shearwaters following them as a few Offshore Bottlenose Dolphins could be sighted ahead moving quickly as a lone mum and calf came over for a spot of bow riding. Further blows were observed and this time it was the Orca, moving tightly together in a FLOT line formation and focused. It was amazing to travel with them as they surfaced with purpose and we could feel they were tracking something down and most likely it was squid as they dived together. It took a little while and a few deeper and longer dives but it did result in success eventually as a large oil slick appeared and the Orca quickly shared out the meal. The Shearwaters and Albatross were also keeping busy today with the multiple schools of tuna that were bubbling away just below the surface with a few smaller baitfish captured.

A juvenile Gannet also joined in and it was interesting to watch as he dived around the Orca, trying to capture those nervous fish moving away from the apex predators. A lone Sunfish did a good job of keeping clear of the Orca as he popped up on numerous occasions throughout the day enjoying a delicious meal of Blue Bottles. The meal had been quickly enjoyed by the Orca as they relaxed and swam closely with us as they settled into restful behaviour. It was a great opportunity for them to unwind a bit after a busy morning foraging before the afternoon observed them back into forage mode once again. It was a wonderful day with the pod and fantastic to spend some time with big males Elvis and Blackberry who seem to be getting bigger and bigger every season now. The family was happy and content with some food enjoyed today and a high amount of smaller prey activity in the area, we are looking forward to seeing what the coming days bring!


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