Steady Southern Migration

Steady southern migration can be sighted amongst the southbound Humpback Whales and two large adults were showing us the steady southern migration mode this morning. The importance of retaining energy is vital for our Humpbacks and this time of year is a challenge, after having lived for a few months without feeding the Humpbacks are showing signs of considerable weight loss. The loss of weight can be more noticeable with some individuals than others and one of the two adults we met today was looking very skinny. Thankfully, their bodies are designed to live these long periods of time without feeding but it is still an extraordinary feat of endurance.

Cruising steadily past Rottnest Island, these two beautiful whales enjoyed the magnificent conditions of calm sea and sunshine. They cruised next to us peaceful and as they passed through shallow water of only 8 meters we could watch their entire bodies move through the Indian Ocean. Welcome Swallows surrounded us and we thought back to the days when the sailors would often use sightings of Welcome Swallows to indicate they were close to land. The Humpback Whales ancient migration path would have been the same today as it was hundreds of years ago and we are proud to see how well these intelligent Humpbacks have adapted to the busy waters building up around them. A steady migration is a successful migration and we wish these two adults, along with the cheeky juvenile we also met today a wonderful journey ahead.

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