Sunset with the Orca

Whale Watch Western Australia

Sunset with the Orca it was set to be today with a special afternoon interaction which had us travelling with two family pods into the setting sun. A beautiful day to be out on the water as we had a big blue sky, calm rolling sea and plenty of eyes on the lookout for Orca. Scanning carefully it was a big morning of searching which allowed us to discover two very hungry Sunfish who were munching away on drifting Blue Bottles. The unique patterns of dots found on each Sunfish can be used to identify them and they are yet another elusive species little is known about along our south coast so today was a great opportunity to spend some time observing them feeding. Further along we came across a lovely sized Hammerhead Shark who was cruising at the surface while looking for something to eat, a little distance away a second Hammerhead was sighted. It was good to see plenty of birdlife as well with Shearwaters, Albatross and Storm Petrels all keeping busy on the waters surface in search of food to eat throughout the morning.

A little searching later a ruffling of white water ahead was followed by dorsal fins as Queen and her family appeared and seemed very content. Travelling at a relaxed pace the family moved together with ease and we were so excited to see new bub Noosabu looking healthy and happy next to mum Tarni. All under the watchful eye of Queen who came over for a spot of bow riding with us before she returned back to Noosabu, making our hearts soar seeing them both together. A second pod approached and we smiled to see Razor and Eddie along with big male Giovanni and it was a very fitting moment. Just across from us was this male Orca namesake as Giovanni (aka John Totterdell) along with his team were out completing research and film today. It was rather special to be travelling with the two Giovanni’s and certainly made us smile! The sun settled low on the horizon which turned the southern ocean into liquid gold creating a mesmerising sight as the Orca slipped through the golden sea with ease and it is a memory we will always remember. Wishing them well for their evening ahead we enjoyed watching the sunset which was spectacular as we cruised back towards the coastline, grateful for every day we get to spend with the Orca in this magnificent part of our world.


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