The Bremer Bay Orca Experience

Whale Watch Western Australia

The Bremer Bay Orca Experience was remarkable today as we observed playful Orca, feeding after a successful hunt and incredible breaching during a surge to the west. It was clear to see it was going to be a busy day from the very beginning as within moments of arriving Kidji and her family approached in an excitable mood. The family was happy to see us as youngsters Sunny and Aurora Star played amongst the swell and surfed their way towards us before the whole family joined in on the fun. It is always thrilling to enjoy the company of such playful Orca and the pod made the most of the great surfing conditions this morning with plenty of bow and wake riding as well. A very unfortunate sunfish found himself in the wrong spot at the wrong time as the youngsters beelined him and cheekily tried to flip him over, but he was feisty! A fast whack of a dorsal fin was used to defend himself and the Orca came back a few times but eventually let him go unharmed but very flustered. Pushing out to deeper water we observed a large gathering of Shearwaters and Albatross as once again Queen and her family appeared to have secured a Beaked Whale and had begun feeding amongst the large oil slick.

Queen was extremely playful as she twisted and rolled around us while showing off a small bit of food she was carrying as all of the calves joined in on the fun alongside her. Queen rolled upside down into a head stand and lifted her fluke high making us all laugh, Grandma Orca was having a great time. It was wonderful to see such happy Orca enjoying a well earned meal as they shared amongst pod members before resuming back to playful activity all around the Steep Point. Samurai was cheeky as always along with Bubbles as she teased the GoPro before lifting her head above the surface to take a quick look at everyone looking back her way. A little further away we noticed a huge amount of white water as the Orca launched and it was now time to surge west as the call went out far and wide. It was spectacular to see them launch through the swell and surf down the face of each wave with powerful speed. Breaches were all around with one rather magnificent one heading straight for us as Wasco landed with a splash, what an incredible moment! It was a jam packed day of action aboard the Bremer Bay Orca Experience and as we departed The Patch we could feel the adrenaline and excitement subsiding after a most wonderful time spent with the apex predators.


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