The Daily Whale™

Read the latest on what’s been happening during each of our unique tours ……..


Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Orca Playtime Bremer Bay Orca playtime it was today as new calf Gabriel joined in on the fun along with pod members as they enjoyed some fun together.
Whale Watch Western Australia
An Orca Named Wonks An Orca named Wonks graced us with his presence today along with his family pod as we went for a long and enjoyable journey to the east.
Whale Watch Western Australia
Pilot Whales and Bremer Orca Pilot Whales and Bremer Orca were observed today as we arrived in the sighting grounds to a commotion of white water and dorsal fins...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Strike Again Orca strike again as Queen and her pod were once again successful with another Beaked Whale hunt while little Gabriel and family were hang...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Consecutive Beaked Whale Predations Consecutive Beaked Whale predations were observed on an incredible day with the Bremer Canyon Orca as three families numbering 60 Orca...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Energy Orca energy was high today with playful calves, a successful squid kill and multiple family pods in The Patch. A cosy cloud cover had...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Watching Tours in Bremer Bay Orca watching tours in Bremer Bay are currently departing daily as we enjoy time with the apex predators that call these waters home.
Whale Watch Western Australia
New Bremer Bay Orca Calf Gabriel New Bremer Bay Orca calf Gabriel made for a most wonderful surprise today as proud mumma Akama surfaced with her newborn right alongside her!
Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Hunt Orca hunt successfully again today as Queen secured another Beaked Whale in consecutive days ensuring her family is well fed and...
Whale Watch Western Australia
The Bremer Bay Orca Experience The Bremer Bay Orca Experience was remarkable today as we observed playful Orca, feeding after a successful hunt and incredible breaching...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Beaked Whale Predation Beaked Whale predation was observed today as Alki and Lucky combined pods to secure a juvenile Beaked Whale with a dramatic feeding...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Sawasdee Ka B-Slice B-Slice and his family welcomed us to the pod today as we enjoyed travelling over twenty kilometres with them with our Pod Members onboard...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Orca Australia Day 2025 Bremer Bay Orca Australia Day 2025 was celebrated with much fun onboard as our day was enjoyed with Cookie, Vera and late surge from Queen!
Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Canyon Orca El Notcho Bremer Canyon Orca El Notcho and his family made the most of their day in The Patch as they cruised in style and covered some miles.
Whale Watch Western Australia
Killer Whale Foraging Killer Whale foraging patterns are always interesting to observe as today we enjoyed watching three different family pods working the...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Hunt and Play Orca hunt and play it was today as yet another Beaked Whale kill was made before three family pods spent the rest of the day playing...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Full Moon Rising Orca Hunt A wild, high intensity day with the Killer Whales of Bremer Bay as Queen and her pod were once again successful with a Beaked Whale hunt.
Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Canyon Squid Hunters Bremer Canyon squid hunters were busy today as the Orca were successful with two squid kills resulting in distinctive oils slick on the...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Three New Bremer Bay Orca Calves Three new Bremer Bay Orca calves for Season 2025 have been sighted, proudly introducing Aurora Star, Sunny and Bailer!
Whale Watch Western Australia
Whale-Killers Whale-Killers were extraordinary today as six family pods were sighted with two successful Beaked Whale kills unfolding as close on 100 Orca.
Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Feeding Interrupted by Pilot Whales Orca feeding was interrupted by the Pilot Whales today as a hectic morning of surging, high energy and a fast kill unfolded shortly after...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Orca Calf Eddie Bremer Bay Orca calf Eddie stole the show today as he made his starring appearance for the GoPro and all of our Pod Members onboard.
Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Thermal Windows Orca thermal windows are a very important means of regulating core body temperature and today we had a fantastic view of these dorsal fins...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Orca Predation Bremer Bay Orca predation took place this morning with a successful Beaked Whale predation resulting in some spectacular surface language...