The tourism Minister Joins The Pod as we welcomed the Hon Paul Papalia onboard today to meet the Orca of Bremer Bay. All eyes were scanning the horizon on arrival at the Patch as Shearwaters and Albatross glided past also on the lookout for the Orca. It was only a few minutes before blows were sighted straight ahead and the call went out as dorsal fins broke the surface and a very recognisable family pod appeared. It was Alki and her family including baby Grace who popped above the surface alongside her mum Dot. It appeared feeding had taken place as the family surfaced amongst an oil slick spread over a large area and increased birdlife arrived at the slick.
A large exhale erupted to our starboard side and we smiled to see Queen (aka Split Tip/Split Pin) and her family surface only a few meters away. She approached our bow and swam right underneath our feet in a special greeting to say good morning and curiously look at everyone onboard. It was interesting to watch the interaction between the two matriarchs as Queen and Alki appeared to be working together in their foraging this morning. We journeyed with them as the foraging continued and little Grace went for a mini surge to the west for a short time as she continues to build her coordination as she travels closely with her family. A special day and we would like to thank the Tourism Minister and his team for Joining the Pod today and meeting the magnificent Orca, we certainly live in one of the most beautiful and wildlife filled places on earth.