Whale Watch WA Eco Tour it turned into today as on both tours we enjoyed the company of not only Humpback Whales but wonderful wildlife including Dolphins, Fur Seals and diving seabirds. Shortly after departing the Augusta Boat Harbour this morning a blow erupted quickly to our port side and as we watched carefully for the next resurfacing as we noted the urgent movement from this whale. Surfacing a short time later and powering towards the reef, we could see that this was a heavily pregnant female on a northbound mission to warmer waters. A breach up ahead caught out attention and as we arrived we could see that these two Humpback Whales travelling in an escort pod had found a small companion, a lone Common Dolphin was travelling with them. They relaxed and swam alongside while interacting with this playful dolphin who seemed to be having a great morning. The little dolphin was so small compared to the larger Humpbacks as he led the whales towards the local Fur Seal colony and we could see in the distance they were enjoying some sun baking in the morning sunshine with a couple of the male Fur Seals in conversation.
Our afternoon departure was quickly greeted by the local Bottlenose Dolphins who came over for a quick hello before cruising towards the coastline and we continued on with our search. Two exhalations alongside sighted a lovely pod of two juveniles who curiously approached and joined with us on their swim across the bay. On the journey we were surrounded by Common Dolphins who playfully approached and began to bow ride with us, launching into the air to look back up towards everyones cameras and smile! The juveniles came over to check out the Common Dolphins and were then distracted by an enormous female Humpback who was approaching. Watching carefully as all three whales joined together peacefully, it appeared we had three females which is very unusual on the migration path. Generally the ladies will either be travelling with a male escort, solo or with a calf. These three lovely ladies though enjoyed each others company as the mature female now took the lead as the two juveniles followed and this was a perfect time to socialise with some twisting and turning while big white bellies pointed towards the sky just below the surface. Todays Whale Watch WA Eco Tour was an enjoyable way to complete another fantastic weekend in beautiful Augusta and the wildlife who treasure this beautiful place.