Where to See Orca in Western Australia?

Where to see Orca in Western Australia? January through to early April is the best time to see Orca in Western Australia. Our season has just begun as we enjoy daily departures from Bremer Bay to see the apex predators who call these waters home. Today was another exciting morning as we departed Fishery Beach and made our way out to the sighting grounds. Shortly after arriving the distinctive dorsal fins of Orca broke the surface as familiar faces barrelled towards us in a hurry. It was little Samurai and family who were very excited to see us this morning and zoomed around the bow happily.

Scanning the area we could see a large oil slick and the distinctive smell of Beaked Whale as it appeared the family had another successful hunt earlier in the morning. The energy from that meal was clear to see as the playful calves socialised and wrestled underneath and around the Steep Point. Samurai always loves a good look at the GoPro and today was no exception! Eventually it was time to resume forage mode as we watched the dedicated focus of each pod member in search of their next meal. It didn’t take all that long before an oil slick formed and Shearwaters dived frantically in the waters surrounding the Orca as a squid was captured and a little while later yet another. It was a good hunting day by the Orca but no surprises as today we spent our time with the Queen of the canyon and her family as she displayed their brilliant hunting abilities.

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