Where to See Whales in Perth

Whale Watch Western Australia

Where to see Whales in Perth during September to November is highly recommend to travel from Fremantle as we observe the southern Humpback Whale migration with tours departing daily. It has been fantastic to see a steady stream of whales heading south with plenty of healthy, happy juveniles making the most of their visit to the waters off Perth. The winds had eased significantly today as the turquoise green and blues of the Indian Ocean stretched out towards the horizon with a big blue sky and sun shining brightly adding to a rather glorious day. It didn’t take long to meet our Humpback Whales today as on both our morning and afternoon departures we were able to locate numerous pods stretched out through the sighting grounds. Migrating takes a lot of focus and effort as the Humpbacks will travel anywhere between 100 to 200 kilometres per day.

Arriving in the resting grounds off Perth these Humpbacks are very keen on spending some time resting and socialising before the next phase of their migration south. Today we observed just that with plenty of social spy hops, upside down surface swims and chasing as they pursued each other around the Steep point. Playtime for Humpback Whales involves a lot of twisting and turning as they get a better view of each other and that included us today as well. One youngster in particular this afternoon was incredibly interested in us as he diverted away from the social pod and approached our bow. Drifting with barely a breeze we watched in amazement as he circled around us repeatedly while intently investigating the Steep Point and Pod Members onboard. A very special way to complete what had been a wonderful spring day and perfect example of why this time of the year is so special with such curious juvenile Humpbacks visiting Perth currently.

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