Where to See Whales in Perth Western Australia is all dependant on what time of year you are looking to go whale watching as our whale friends are along our coastline all year long! September to December sights the southern Humpback Whale migration which we are currently enjoying with many mothers and calves migrating back south towards their summer feeding grounds located in Antarctica. Today we met a couple of mothers and calves socialising together and after a little while one of the females brought her calf over to say hello. They were both very curious and after finding a suitable spot the female began to feed her calf and they enjoyed a peaceful morning relaxing just off our bow.
The second mother and calf could be sighted not far away with the female peduncle slapping three times as something appeared to startle them. Joining with this pod and watching as the female escorted her calf out of the area it wasn’t long before they too began to relax in the beautiful conditions and gently continue cruising along with graceful tail dives from mum who was absolutely enormous! The northern Humpback Whale migration will begin again in late May as we sight both Southern Right Whales and Humpbacks visiting Augusta during the winter months. Summer brings the Orca, Sperm Whale and Pilot Whales to gather in the Bremer Canyon for an intensive feeding season while beautiful Autumn signals the arrival of our northern Blue Whale migration. The Blue Whales make their way north towards the Banda Sea to their winter calving grounds and stop by in the Perth Canyon to feed… where to see Whales in Perth Western Australia is a matter of what day suits!