
Whale Watch Western Australia
Juvenile Beaked Whale Predation Juvenile Beaked Whale predation was observed today as Lucy and her family were successful in securing a substantial meal for everyone.
Whale Watch Western Australia
New Bremer Bay Orca Calf Jessica New Bremer Bay Orca calf Jessica was sighted today as she is another new arrival to the population during an Orca summer baby boom!
Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Tours Bremer Bay Orca tours Bremer Bay are currently departing as we enjoy the start of Autumn here in Western Australia with our oceans apex predators.
Whale Watch Western Australia
Squid Hunting with Southern Ocean Orca Squid hunting with Southern Ocean Orca it was today as six successful kills were made with a significant oil slick left behind each time...
Whale Watch Western Australia
New Bremer Bay Orca Calf Mabe New Bremer Bay Orca calf Mabe was sighted today with a very special family pod we don’t see often who made a surprise appearance!
Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Watching 101 Orca Watching 101 is something our family and team have instilled into our Orca ethics and with nearly a decade of time spent with the Orca...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Whale Watching Bremer Bay Whale Watching was exhilarating today as from the moment of arriving in The Patch we were surrounded by over fifty excitable Orca..
Whale Watch Western Australia
Awesome Orca of Bremer Bay Awesome Orca of Bremer Bay were observed today as Giovanni and family enjoyed a relaxing and social time together as they welcomed us...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Orcas Best Tour Bremer Bay Orcas best tour can be enjoyed with Whale Watch Western Australia as today we enjoyed an incredible interaction with playful...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Aura of the Orca Aura of the Orca captured us all today as after a long search they returned to The Patch and surged in the afternoon sunshine lighting up...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Tracking an Apex Predator Tracking an apex predator is hard work and challenging, but today we had a fantastic example of how interesting and rewarding it can be to...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Squid Hunters Squid hunters of the Bremer Canyon were busy today as we arrived to a commotion of Pilot Whales, Offshore Bottlenose Dolphins and the Orca...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Surging in The Patch Surging in The Patch today as Kidji and Cheryl along with their pod members raced through the swell showing off their athleticism.
Whale Watch Western Australia
How Do Orca Feed? How do Orca feed? Today we had a great example of how the family works together when sharing their meal as the family carried the last of...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Killer Whale Tours Bremer Killer Whale Tours are currently departing daily with another special day spent with three family pods as they surfed the swell.
Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Orcas Breaching Bremer Bay Orcas breaching was incredible today as six family pods totalling over 80 Orcas socialised through until mid morning then took...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Wild Orca Southern Ocean Hunt Wild Orca Southern Ocean hunt unfolded today as amongst the rawness of this coastline and the epic power and precision of the Orca was on...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Killer Whales of Western Australia Killer Whales of Western Australia were busy again today as Lucky and her family pod were successful with a couple of squid hunts and...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Experience in the Bremer Canyon Experience in the Bremer Canyon was needed today as four family pods were observed with a Beaked Whale escape in the morning before a...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Orca Calf Gabriel Bremer Orca calf Gabriel was excited today with plenty of spy hop and breaching practice while Kidji and her family had also made a return...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Orca Playtime Bremer Bay Orca playtime it was today as new calf Gabriel joined in on the fun along with pod members as they enjoyed some fun together.
Whale Watch Western Australia
An Orca Named Wonks An Orca named Wonks graced us with his presence today along with his family pod as we went for a long and enjoyable journey to the east.
Whale Watch Western Australia
Pilot Whales and Bremer Orca Pilot Whales and Bremer Orca were observed today as we arrived in the sighting grounds to a commotion of white water and dorsal fins...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Strike Again Orca strike again as Queen and her pod were once again successful with another Beaked Whale hunt while little Gabriel and family were hang...