
Four Southern Ocean Dolphin Species Whale Watch Western Australia
Four Southern Ocean Dolphin Species Four Southern Ocean Dolphin species were observed as we enjoyed the marvellous Orca, Pilot Whales, False Killer Whales & Bottlenose Dolphins
Follow the Leader Whale Watch Western Australia
Follow the Leader Follow the leader in cetacean education and viewing with Whale Watch Western Australia and meet the apex predators of our ocean during
Bremer Bay Wildlife Safari Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Wildlife Safari Bremer Bay wildlife safari on a stunning day as we enjoyed the company of a Dolphin super pod, wonderful Orca and Pearl the Sea Lion.
Hunting with The Orca Whale Watch Western Australia
Hunting with The Orca Hunting with the Orca today as we joined three family pods on an exhilarating surge before Cookie and her family were successful in the hunt
Killer Whales Feeding Whale Watch Western Australia
Killer Whales Feeding Killer Whales feeding was observed today as much loved Maddison showed off to us her prized meal that was captured on another incredible day.
Australian Orca Tours Whale Watch Western Australia
Australian Orca Tours Australian Orca tours operate every January to early April as we observe the incredible Orca of Bremer Bay with the cheeky Pilot Whales also
Bremer Bay Blue Whales Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Blue Whales Bremer Bay Blue Whales were sighted today moments after we departed the harbour as a mother and her yearling calf migrated past Bremer Bay.
Bremer Bay Orca Attack Sperm Whale Pod Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Orca Attack Sperm Whale Pod Bremer Bay Orca attack Sperm Whale pod during an epic battle between the largest toothed predator on our planet and our oceans apex predator.
Orca Season in Bremer Bay Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Season in Bremer Bay Orca Season in Bremer Bay is from January through to early April as we also enjoy the company of beautiful Pilot Whales during the autumn
How Long is an Orca Tour? Whale Watch Western Australia
How Long is an Orca Tour? How long is an Orca tour? That is a question we have proposed to our research team onboard to self evaluate our time with the magnificent
Killer Whales of Australia Whale Watch Western Australia
Killer Whales of Australia Killer Whales of Australia include the Bremer Bay Orca population and today we had the wonderful opportunity of spending time with the family
Bremer Bay Orca Torpedoes Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Bay Orca Torpedoes Bremer Bay Orca torpedoes propelled towards us today as they surfed the swell in-between foraging dives in The Patch.
Why Don’t Orca Have Barnacles? Whale Watch Western Australia
Why Don’t Orca Have Barnacles? Why don’t Orca have barnacles? It was a great question asked by one of our Pod Members onboard as we observed the speed of the Orca surge
Foraging Killer Whales Whale Watch Western Australia
Foraging Killer Whales Foraging Killer Whales today as Queen and her family kept busy as they worked The Patch while Stormy decided to spend the morning playing...
Bremer Orca Fishing The Patch Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Orca Fishing The Patch Bremer Orca fishing The Patch today as we start to observe their foraging patterns change as we move further through autumn as Queen, Cookie
The Bremer Canyon Hunt Continues Whale Watch Western Australia
The Bremer Canyon Hunt Continues The Bremer Canyon hunt continues as we press into autumn with another Beaked Whale predation this morning.
Join The Pod in Bremer Bay Whale Watch Western Australia
Join The Pod in Bremer Bay Join The Pod in Bremer Bay and witness the hunt as today Queen and her family were back in The Patch and successfully captured a Beaked Whale.
Orca Eye Patch Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Eye Patch Orca eye patch is an important feature that we use to identify and recognise the Orca of Bremer Bay as we met familiar faces today in the
Bremer Canyon Killer Whale Hunt Whale Watch Western Australia
Bremer Canyon Killer Whale Hunt Bremer Canyon Killer Whale hunt unfolded today as Cookie and her family were successful in hunting a juvenile Beaked Whale while outrunning
Southern Ocean Beaked Whale Predation Whale Watch Western Australia
Southern Ocean Beaked Whale Predation Southern Ocean Beaked Whale predation unfolded this morning as the Orca were successful in securing their meal and celebrated with spectacular breaching.
Orca Back in The Patch Whale Watch Western Australia
Orca Back in The Patch Orca back in The Patch this morning as after a two day hiatus they were waiting for us on our arrival and ready for a day of foraging.
Pallinup Canyon Pilot Whales Pallinup Canyon Pilot Whales were enjoying a perfect day amongst the picturesque conditions as a glassy sea and smiling Pilot Whale faces popped up to say hello.
Male Orca Rough Play Male Orca rough play it was today as Wonks, Stormy and Echo enjoyed a very social morning and amongst all the wrestling and chasing they launched into plenty of spectacular breaches and tail lobs.
Lucky is Back in The Patch Lucky is back in The Patch and we were over the moon to see her again today as five family pods were observed foraging in the sighting grounds.