Rottnest Island Whales

Rottnest Island Whales during the spring are relaxed, social and often enjoy some time socialising with the local Bottlenose Dolphins. The morning was sunshine and a glassy sea as we departed the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour and it wasn’t long before a rustling on the waters surface was sighted. A speedy Bottlenose Dolphin surfaced and was shortly followed by a mother Humpback Whale and her playful calf. The three were lapping up the sunshine as the Bottlenose Dolphin would dive and surface around mother and calf as the little one would twist and turn to get a better view.

Protective mother whale would gently lift her long pectoral fin anytime the Bottlenose Dolphin came just a little too close as all three enjoyed their morning playtime. The second pod we interacted with was another mother and calf with this pods energy level increased due to the movement of a ship travelling through the channel. The young calf tail lobbed to practice the Language of the Whales™️ and flex his little muscles. Feeding seemed to follow as the calf nuzzled underneath mum repeatedly providing Grace and her team from the Fat Whales Project a fantastic opportunity to document and observe these behaviours with an eagle eye.

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