
New Bremer Canyon Orca Calf Stormy is the latest addition to the Whale Watch catalogue as WHALEWATCH01 and we are very excited to watch her grow and thrive, welcome to the world Stormy!
Responsible Whale Watching Responsible whale watching takes patience and a full understanding of The Language of the Whales™ to understand how we must act when in the company of our whales.
The Cetacean Blowhole | Whale Nostrils Whale Watch Western Australia has a fascination with whale nostrils and it is what is exhaled from the cetacean blowhole that has us so intrigued.
Fremantle's Best Whale Watching - 27 Whale Competition Pod Our Whale Watching tour out of Fremantle today revealed some of the best whale watching we have witnessed this southern migration 2018.
The Fascinating Humpback Whale Barnacle Breaching on the horizon captured our attention as we had the opportunity today to learn more about the fascinating story of the Humpback Whale Barnacle.
Dolphins Survive Shark Attack How do Dolphins survive shark attacks so severe? Their bodies are capable of incredible regeneration, pain management and blood flow control that what may seem like the impossible is possible for our Dolphins.
Why Do Humpbacks Have Scarring? The daily tours we enjoy with our whales provides the opportunity to meet many different individual whales and one question we often ask when spending time with our Humpbacks is, "Why do Humpbacks have scarring?".
The Art of Whale Watching in Western Australian Whale Watching in Western Australian - Whales do entice excitement and wonder from humans and it is easy to see why with their incredible acrobatic displays
Blue Whale Facts The Blue Whale is the largest mammal to have ever graced this planet and the best way to protect them is to learn more about them, so lets begin with some Blue Whale Facts!
Why Do Whales Become Stranded? In certain situations where perfectly healthy whales find themselves stranding we must look further afield than simply matters that happen in their immediate environment.
Bremer Canyon Commonwealth Marine Reserve The Bremer Canyon is unique and no other submarine canyon in the world is the same. The largest known congregation of Orca in the Southern Hemisphere gathers during the summer months.
Why Do Orca (Killer Whales) come to Bremer Canyon? Learn why we see largest congregation of Orca in the Bremer Canyon as Whale Watch Western Australia continue to Learn about the Language of the Whales.
Whale Watching in Perth Learn how to enjoy the company of these migrating mother and calf Humpbacks respectfully.
All Day Whale Watch Nutrition It is a full day in the Bremer Canyon and our guests nutrition is paramount to keeping up the energies to hunt with the Orca's of Bremer Canyon. Food & hydration is very important to keep the body and mind focussed not only during the tour but also the days following, this assures our guests receive the best opportunity to enjoy their experience during and post tour.
Whale Watching in Augusta Learn everything you need to know to plan a perfect whale watch experience in Augusta. See when is the best time to see the whales and learn about their migration through Flinders Bay.
Weather in Bremer Canyon
Pygmy Blue Whale Hearing the name Pygmy Blue Whale often creates thoughts of a miniature whale that traverses the oceans without ever being seen... but only part of that sentence is true! The Pygmy Blue Whale grows up to 24 meters in length and can weigh 90 tonnes making it clear that...