
Why Do Pilot Whales Strand?
The Unique Feeding Habits of Orcas in Western Australia
Whale Callosities
Orca Talk
Species Highlight - Southern Right Whale
How Long Do Whales Live For?
Australian Humpback Whale Migration
How Do Humpback Whales Sleep?
How To Identify Humpback Whales
What Do Humpback Whales Eat?
The Anatomy of a Blue Whale
History of the Bremer Orca
Orca Sighted off Perth!
Humpback Survives Killer Whale Attack
Humpback Whale Tail Sailing It was all about the tail today and this afternoon we had the opportunity to witness Humpback Whale tail sailing behaviour.
UWA Presentation with WA Naturalist's Club Thank you to the WA Naturalist's Club for the opportunity to speak at the Hew Roberts Lecture Theatre at the University of Western Australia. A lovely evening discussing the whales of Western Australia and the incredible coastline we have.
Perth Canyon Pilot Whales Pilot Whales in the Perth Canyon! A very special sighting today of Pilot Whales travelling in the Perth Canyon, a first for our season.
Where is the Perth Canyon?
Curt & Micheline Jenner Award 2019 Nominations are now open for the Curt & Micheline Jenner Award for Cetacean Excellence for season 2019. The Curt & Micheline Jenner Award is presented every year to a Whale Watch Western Australia Cetacean Soldier™ for their dedication and excellence in
Orca Mating in The Bremer Canyon A truely extraordinary day as we witnessed Orca mating in the Bremer Canyon right under our feet! Queen (Split Tip) had the attention of a young male known as Hookfin and was leading him on a journey away from the rest of her family as this amorous male swam...
How Do Killer Whales (Orca) Sleep? How do Killer Whales (Orca) Sleep? Unlike ourselves they are not able to fall into a deep sleep, unaware of their surroundings and leaving themselves vulnerable to drowning. Orca and many other cetaceans will shut down one half of their brain at a time to rest, while the
Bremer Canyon Orca A380 Elvis is alive! The King of the Bremer Canyon took our breath away as he surfaced alongside our bow this morning as his name could be heard right through the boat as Orca A380 appeared after a non sighting absence of 2 years. Concerns that the King of the Bremer Canyon may have come to the end of his reign..
Henry Canyon Bremer Bay Magnificent Maleko greeted us today as we journeyed into the Henry Canyon and Maleko burst from the Southern Ocean as he surged west and traveled for over five nautical mile at 20km per hour! The power of Maleko could be felt as he continued to porpoise...
Why do the Orca's come to the Bremer Canyon? After many years of research the question remains 'Why do the Orca's come to Bremer Canyon?' The answer in one word is... SQUID!