Wobbles the Whale

Sleeping & Competing We had a great mix of very active competition pods today and many relaxed pods who seemed very curious to come over and say hello! Big males hustled through the bay and even raced across our bow on the morning tour which was incredibly exciting to be right in the middl... Olivia Rose Inspired by one of our youngest guests onboard today we nicknamed the two beautiful young Humpbacks who decided to surprise everyone by surfacing right on our bow! Olivia is the bigger one while Rose was a tiny bit smaller and seemed to be following Olivia's lead. Hidi... Flinders Bay Friday A beautiful day spent out on Flinders Bay with our wonderful Humpback whales Busy Humpbacks in Bay It was certainly a busy day today for our Humpback whales as on both morning and afternoon tours the activity was high as many whales interacted with one another. Most excitingly we re-sighted our beautiful little Humpback calf and his mum! Looking a bit bigger and mov... The Cougar One of our guests inspired the name of our Daily Report today as we watched a very large female Humpback call in all of the available male Humpbacks around the bay with an incredible display of repeated breaching and pec slapping! Being such a large female in size and... First Humpback Calf Sighted! We had a huge surprise this afternoon as we met our very first Humpback calf for season 2016 Humpback Courtship Very special tours today with an incredible interaction this afternoon as we watched a female Humpback and two males gently twist and turn on the surface showing us something very very special.... Humpback Courtship! Mating has never been recorded as this usually happe... I Spy a Humpback Eye After a few days of stormy weather it was lovely to be back out on Flinders Bay enjoying the company of so many beautiful Humpbacks, they were everywhere! Over 50 Humpbacks were sighted today collectively from our morning/afternoon tours and we had a fantastic display... Sail Away With Me What a special cruise we had yesterday morning as we witnessed a very unique behaviour that is rarely ever seen... especially at this time of our season! Tail Sailing is when a whale will hang upside down and their enormous tail fluke will be above the oceans surface.... Surrounded by Humpbacks Moments from leaving the Augusta Boat Harbour we were surrounded! Everywhere we looked you could see the tall blow from Humpback pods and big splashes of white water from breaching and surface activity throughout Flinders Bay. Well over 20 Humpbacks were sighted on our... Breaching!!! Wow! Our very first big breaching session for the season was sighted today on our morning tour and we were excited! This gorgeous big Humpback was with two other whales but decided to show off with 5+ head lunges and to our great delight the show continued with multipl... Follow the Leader This morning we met a pod of 4 gorgeous Humpbacks who were right in the middle of a game of Follow the Leader Troublesome Eight Two competition pods sighted today, one on our morning tour and one on our afternoon. The afternoon pod was full of energy as eight huge Humpbacks moved out of Flinders Bay and had us watching carefully as they all surfaced at once creating a lot of excitement to see s... Familiar Juvenile That moment you look at someone and know you have seen them before? Well we experienced that very feeling on our morning tour as a familiar juvenile Humpback looked strikingly similar to the little one we met yesterday! Today something was different though... he had a... Following Footprints Not long after we left the marina a blow was sighted close by and as we waited for the whale to resurface once again everyone was caught by surprise! Only 3 meters off our bow a very young juvenile Humpback surfaced and it was very clear that he was having a sleep in.... Lighthouse + Humpback = :) Our favourite shot to capture while we are in Augusta is two of the most magical things Augusta is renowned for, her magnificent Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse and of course the beautiful giants she shares her bay with. Today we had the perfect opportunity as a pod of rowdy m... Rainbow on Tuesday During our Augusta season we see some beautiful rainbows, last season we even cruised through the end of a rainbow out on Flinders Bay but unfortunately no pot of gold was found! Logging Away the Day "Yawwwn"...better go hit the log! Logging is one of many fascinating whale surface behaviours we can witness as whale watchers. Just like us, sleeping is vitally important to the health and well being of our whales,without enough sleep it would be impossible for them to a... Cosy Sunday Rain was all around today and so were our Humpbacks who never let a bit of rain get in the way of their social lives! Our first two pods of the afternoon were moving through Flinders Bay quickly and were very focused on continuing their migration north to warmer waters... The Boys Are Back In Town Happy WA Day! WA Day takes place on the very first Monday of June each year and is a wonderful time to celebrate our magnificent state and what a special place it is in this very big world Blessing of the Fleet - 2016 The sun was shining for the 2016 Blessing of the Fleet at the Augusta Boat Harbour and thank you to all who came down to join in on the fun☀️ Our Humpbacks were enjoying the lovely weather and on our morning tour we sighted our very first Dolphin/Humpback interaction f... Moody Day Today finally felt like winter time! Moody skies created many beautiful photo opportunities as Flinders Bay and her rugged coastline put on their winter charm⛅️❄️ A quite afternoon out on the bay except for one pod who were racing around like crazy whales! Plenty of en... Sunshine Day Another magnificent day to be Whale Watching in Augusta... winter at its finest! Our lovely Humpbacks were out and about having a very relaxed time cruising through the bay with three juveniles sighted and a few very large male Humpbacks showing off their numerous batt...