
The Magnificent Seven at Augusta Boat Harbour The Humpback Whales were so close to the Augusta Boat Harbour today that you could easily see them from the shore, but not quite as close as when they were playing right underneath our bow!
Tales of Whales in Flinders Bay, Augusta Every whale that arrives in Flinders Bay, Augusta has a tale to tell and we love to meet each one and learn a bit about their story. Today we met a rope entanglement survivor who was swimming just underneath our bow looking healthy and very happy!
Augusta Humpback Whale Migration A remarkable day with head lunging males, curious approaches from juveniles, sleeping Humpbacks, tail sailing and a female Humpback Whale in labour!
Humpbacks Breaching in Augusta Humpbacks breaching in Augusta is very common during the northern migration with many competition pods and high energy... what is not so common is breaching only 20 meters from our bow!
Augusta Whale Watching Close Encounters Today we could see why Augusta whale watching is so special as throughout both our morning and afternoon experiences we were surrounded by curious Humpback Whales
Augusta Blessing of the Fleet 2018 A beautiful morning for the Augusta Blessing of the Fleet 2018 and the life-size Southern Right Whales greeted the arrivals to the Augusta Boat Harbour.
First Competition Pod Season 2018 first competition pod for season 2018 was sighted this afternoon as male Humpbacks charged through Flinders Bay, full of energy after a summer preparing for the breeding season.
Augusta Winter Whale Watching Season The Augusta Winter Whale Watching Season officially began today as we celebrated the first day of winter for 2018 with breaches, peduncle slaps and whale trios!
First Humpback Breach for Augusta 2018 It was only our second day into Augusta Season 2018 but we had our very first breach! A spectacular full bodied, barrel roll that landed with a mighty crash.
Whale Watching Augusta Season 2018 The Whale Watching Augusta Season 2018 started today and within moments of leaving the Augusta Boat Harbour a muffled blow was sighted straight ahead!
Perth Canyon Blue Whales The Perth Canyon was busy with feeding Australasian Gannets and a very relaxed Blue Whale who caught everyone by surprise when she surfaced just behind us! Offshore Bottlenose Dolphins and Common Dolphins..
Perth Blue Whales Meeting the first Humpback Whales for season 2018, a pod of 500 acrobatic Striped Dolphins and four Blue Whales including one yearling Blue Whale made for an incredible day out in the Perth Canyon.
Australian Blue Whales The Perth Canyon in Western Australia was overflowing with Australian Blue Whales today, we interacted with 13 individuals and had sightings of over 20 Blue Whales throughout our experience today!
Blue Whale Season Begins The Perth Canyon Blue Whale Season began today as we departed on our first experience for season 2018 with much excitement onboard. A cloud forming from the oceans surface as the exhalation of a Blue Whale
Hundreds of Pilot Whales in Bremer Canyon Our first encounter was heartwarming as we sighted the small blows and distinctive movements of Pilot Whales
Bremer Bay Pilot Whales One hundred Pilot Whales gently approached our vessel and spent the next hour dancing, spy hopping and interacting with everyone onboard.
Whale Watch Destination WA Today we met Orca, Sperm Whale, Hammerhead Shark, New Zealand Fur Seal, Australian Sea Lion, Albatross and tiny Wilsons Storm Petrels
Orca (Killer Whale) Gold in Bremer Canyon We found the Orca gold at the end of the "Rainblows"in the Bremer Canyon today as we spent the day with twenty Orca and three Sperm Whales.
Bremer Bay Orca (Killer Whale) Yet another stampede of Long Finned Pilot Whales and energy attracted our attention and sure enough, there were the Orca!
Whale Tail Sailing The unique behaviour of tail sailing is important to the day to day life of our whales. Floating upside down with fluke high and dry above the surface, some have reported the sight as looking similar to a giant butterfly or palm tree when spotted from a great distance...