The Daily Whale™

Read the latest on what’s been happening during each of our unique tours ……..


Wild Whale Watching in Western Australia
Must Do Experiences in Perth
Language of the Whales in Action
Fremantle Whale Tours
Perth Humpback Training Grounds
Humpback Whale Seaweed Facials
Best Fremantle Whale Watch Tours
Meeting a Humpback Calf
Rottnest Island Whale Watching Tours
How Intelligent are Humpback Whales?
A Little White Whale
Migrating Humpback Whales
What is a Humpback Pec Slap?
Breaching Humpback Calves
Fremantle Long Weekend Whales
A Humpback Whales Journey
How Humpback Whales Compete
Fremantle’s Best Whale Watching
Western Australia Southbound Whales
What is a Sound Footprint?
Secrets of a Whale Tail
Perth Southern Right Whales
Signs of Orca Predating on Humpback Calves
Perth’s Only Genuine Whale Watching