
Augusta Whale Song Festival
Winter Whale Watching Begins Winter whale watching begins in Augusta today with much excitement as the very first large male bull Humpbacks charged through Flinders Bay!
First Southern Right Whale in Augusta The first Southern Right Whale in Augusta for season 2019 was sighted today much to everyones great excitement and surprise!
Margaret River Whales Humpback Whales are currently travelling north along the Western Australian coastline and timing their migration perfectly to catch the worlds best surfers at the Margaret River Pro! Margaret River Whales enjoy a quick look once they pass by the Margaret River region, but first stop is fun in Flinders Bay!
Humpbacks Feeding in Australia's South West
Augusta Whales Arriving in Flinders Bay
Juvenile Humpbacks in Augusta The juvenile Humpbacks of Western Australia have taken over Flinders Bay in spectacular fashion! Breaching, tail lobbing and inverted tail slapping greeted us this morning as three juvenile Humpbacks communicated the Language of the Whales™ with much white water as their bodies landed on the surface of Flinders Bay.
Whale Foraging in Flinders Bay, Augusta
Whale Watching Augusta 2019 Breaching into whale watching Augusta 2019 today with our first Humpback tour of the season!
Blue Whale Season 2019 Flying Offshore Bottlenose Dolphins, the worlds largest animal the Blue Whale, unique Risso Dolphins and our very first Humpback for season 2019... what a Mother's Day!
UWA Presentation with WA Naturalist's Club Thank you to the WA Naturalist's Club for the opportunity to speak at the Hew Roberts Lecture Theatre at the University of Western Australia. A lovely evening discussing the whales of Western Australia and the incredible coastline we have.
Perth Canyon Pilot Whales Pilot Whales in the Perth Canyon! A very special sighting today of Pilot Whales travelling in the Perth Canyon, a first for our season.
Blue Whales in Australia Blue Whale! The call went out and an enormous 22 meter Blue Whale surfaced only a few meters from our bow, he had been feeding in the depths of the Perth Canyon moments earlier. Hearing our approach he decided to introduce himself and we were amazed to watch this graceful Blue gently replenish oxygen while looking us over at the same time. A few minutes later it was time for him to get back to work and we all gasped in awe as the seven meter wide fluke was lifted above the Indian Ocean, a truly spectacular sight.
Australian Risso Dolphin A very exciting day sighting Risso Dolphins in the Perth Canyon! The first time we have sighted them in the Perth Canyon and we were completely surrounded with over one hundred individuals. Sightings of Risso Dolphins in Australian waters are not overly common making todays interaction very special indeed.
Blue Whales Rottnest Island A spectacular morning greeted us as we made our way to the Perth Canyon to find the Blue Whales who visit the waters just off Rottnest Island. Our first encounter was a swirling cloud of Shearwaters and Albatross
Where is the Perth Canyon?
Perth Canyon Sperm Whales The Perth Canyon is host to many of the worlds most incredible cetaceans and on our journey today we met the largest toothed predator on the planet... the Sperm Whale!
See Blue Whales in Western Australia Where should you go when you want to see Blue Whales in Western Australia? The Perth Canyon is waiting for you to experience as Blue Whales gather to feed in preparation for the rest of their northern migration towards the Banda Sea.
Australian Blue Whales The spectacular Australian Blue Whales were waiting for us out in the Perth Canyon today as we enjoyed every moment in the company of the largest mammal on our planet! A beautiful morning greeted us and as we journeyed our eyes scanned the horizon for the unmistakable exhalations of the giants.
Blue Whale 2 It was Blue Whale 2 for us today as we made our second journey for Season 2019 to the Perth Canyon and into the big blue. An enormous Loggerhead Turtle, 2.5 metre Sunfish and of course our magnificent Blue Whales were waiting for us in the largest submarine canyon in Australia.
Perth Canyon Blue Whale Season 2019 The Perth Canyon Blue Whale Season 2019 began today and we were in the presence of our beloved Blues, at long last! A year is a very long time to miss one of our favourite pod members and it was exhilarating to once again watch that turquoise glow light up the Indian Ocean.
Future Whale Guardians A true pleasure to welcome onboard our future whale guardians and enjoy their enthusiasm and excitement for their backyard in Bremer Bay as Gairdner Primary School and Bremer Bay Primary School Joined The Pod.
In Memory of Cheryl - Orca Season 2019 Season 2019 is dedicated in the loving memory of Cheryl Webb and we are very proud to say that one of the beautiful female Orca documented in Whale Watch Western Australia's catalogue has been named in her honour, Whale Watch WA 02, field name Cheryl♥️
Bremer Bay Pilot Whales A beautiful day greeted us and our journey to the Bremer Canyon began as we arrived to Albatross, Petrels and Shearwaters gliding above the swell and dozens of Pilot Whales taking charge of the canyon as arial acrobatic Common Dolphins leapt high and showed off their glowing yellow bellies!