
Southern Heart of the Southern Ocean The young ladies onboard were given the big responsibility of naming this special whale and their name that was decided on is the most perfect name... Southern Heart.
The Landing Place - Augusta The vessel Emily Taylor arrived in Flinders Bay on the 2nd of May 1830 and as we looked out across the mist covered bay this morning we wondered of the thoughts that these first settlers had when they came ashore to what we now know as the beautiful Augusta.
Humpbacks Enjoy Summer in July Humpbacks enjoy Summer in July with perfect, warm conditions as we met competition pods, Dolphins, Sea-Lions and Stacka the baby Southern Right!
Humpbacks Take Centre Stage in Augusta The Humpbacks take centre stage in Augusta today with a competition pod of 18, mother and calf Southern Right and incredible surface activity only meters away.
Whale Watch in Western Australia A perfect day for over 100 whale watch guests who enjoyed their whale watch in Western Australia as we sighted spectacular displays, Humpback Calf re-sighting and intense competition pod.
Discover Flinders Bay Augusta - Southern Rights - Humpback Calf First Humpback Whale calf for Season 2018 was sighted today in Flinders Bay along with breaching Humpbacks, intense competition pods and Southern Right Whales showing us their gentle courtship
Megaptera Novaeangliae Everywhere Megaptera novaeangliae everywhere.... and one Eubalaena australis were sighted today in Flinders Bay. English version, Humpback Whales everywhere and one Southern Right Whale were sighted today in Flinders Bay!
Flirty Female Humpbacks Today was all about the flirty female Humpbacks of Flinders Bay who had the attention of not only the male Humpbacks but also ourselves!
Best Place to go Whale Watching in Australia Having the opportunity to see two unique whale species on the same afternoon in sheltered, calm waters of Flinders Bay is one of many reasons why
Augusta's First Southern Right Whale | Season 2018 The first Southern Right Whale sighted for season 2018 was excitedly spotted this afternoon and the arrival of these superstar whales was celebrated by the town.
Sally the Wonderous Whale Meet Sally Wonder, the most wonderous Humpback Whale who delighted our guests onboard with her beautiful character and magnificent surface activity!
Winter Whale Watching Augusta We celebrated the end of our first month of winter whale watching in Augusta with a cosy cover of rain and surrounded by whales, how fitting!
Up Close and Personal Whale Encounters | Augusta Up close and personal whale encounters in Augusta onboard Whale Watch Western Australia was the rhythm of today with whales so close we were counting the barnacles on their bumpy rostrums!
Augusta - Whale Watch Western Australia | Augusta Whale Watching The energy created with so many whales traversing through Flinders Bay resulted in a great deal of communication as we observed the Language of the Whales in a very crowded bay!
Humpbacks Smash Breaching Record 6 Breaches in 60 Seconds, 60 breaches in one hour... A perfect morning for whale watching as over twenty Humpback Whales surrounded us at the most south western point of Australia, they were ready for an incredible display in an incredible place
The Rising Stars of Western Australia Whale Watching The rising stars of Western Australia Whale Watching joined in with the conversation and over a dozen pods around us continued to breach, pec slap, tail lob and head lunge to the beat of the Language of the Whales™.
South West Whale Watching South West Whale Watching peaks from late May to August and is a perfect time to meet these incredible whales on their epic migration along the Western Australian coastline
Whale Watching Western Australia At Its Best Whale Watching Western Australia at its best today as Flinders Bay came alive with the Language of the Whales as numerous pods communicated to each other with magnificent full bodied breaching.
Best Whale Watching in Augusta The best whale watching in Augusta celebrates the northern migration when travelling onboard Whale Watch Western Australia. Competition pods, surface activity and hundreds of whales enjoy the protection
Whale Watching Australia World class whale watching can be found in Flinders Bay, Augusta onboard Whale Watch Western Australia as thousands of Humpback Whales migrate to their northern breeding grounds and Competition Pods abound during this time of year.
Whale Watch WA - The Legend Grows Today was a legendary day for Whale Watch WA as we sighted incredible competition pods racing underneath our feat, juvenile males breaching only meters in front of the bow and the most beautiful tail fluke of any whale we have seen which was completely white.
Cape Leeuwin Competition Pod We joined the Cape Leeuwin Competition Pod this afternoon as they raced through Flinders Bay at high speeds and with powerful energy, it wasn't long until we were surrounded by these powerful males.
Whales in Augusta The whales in Augusta were teaching us the Language of the Whales today as we watched competition pods communicating to each other with peduncle slaps, tail slaps, breaching and head lunging.
Whale Watching in Australia's South West Two large males and a young female Humpback approached us this morning and after making a gentle approach we seemed to be accepted into the pod as they rolled and showed us their belly under the bow.