
The Apex Predators of Bremer Bay Whale Watch Western Australia met the apex predators of Bremer Bay today as we travelled with both Orca and an enormous bull Sperm Whale as we enjoyed the company of the apex predators of Bremer Bay in their domain with the largest toothed predator on the planet taking centre stage with an extraordinary tail...
Marching Orca from Bremer Bay The Orca are marching into March as Noosa and her family pod moved through the canyon on a mission today and food was on their mind. A steady pace was set and with Noosa leading, the entire family spread out in a marching formation as they covered ground and searched intently for their next meal. Squid can be hard...
Language of The Orca Queen taught us The Language of the Orca today as to our astonishment she swam towards our bow and spoke to us with a clear, "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" being heard on her exhale! She was most certainly having a good old chat and it seemed directed towards us as we watched the incredible interaction unfold throughout the day.
Bremer Bay Accommodation and Orca The rain fell down in Bremer Bay today much to everyones enjoyment (most importantly the farmers!) and as we woke from our Bremer Bay accommodation Orca BnB it was time to begin a beautiful journey to the canyon, celebrate the rain and enjoy spending time with two special Orca pod families.
Bremer Bay Orca Hunt Today it was the Bremer Bay Orca Hunt as on our arrival we journeyed with over one hundred Pilot Whales and then the Orca started to surge west... the hunt was on! The Pilot Whales were first to great us in the canyon as dozens of Shearwaters and Albatross moved like ballerinas of the sky and oil slicks began to appear on the surface as delicious meals were being shared amongst the family.
Bremer Canyon Drones Whale Watch Western Australia has the worlds very best, eco friendly Bremer Canyon Drones.... seabirds! Albatross, Shearwaters, Petrels and Gannets are always hard at work scanning from the sky for the movements of the Orca. Sighting the black and white torpedoes below they hone in their movements to tightly shadow the Orca and wait patiently for them to resurface.
Bremer Canyon Killer Whale and Sperm Whale Expedition A magnificent Bremer Canyon Voyage of Discovery today as we journeyed to one of our south west sighting grounds that we have not visited since last season. On our arrival an explosion of white water appeared as enormous Sperm Whales breached on the horizon, the Bremer Canyon Killer Whale and Sperm Whale Expedition was about to begin!
Western Australia Sperm Whales Meeting Western Australia Sperm Whales is always special, even more so when you have over 45+ individuals travelling together in a matrilineal pod! Mothers and their newborn calves journeyed together as the teenagers were foraging on the outskirts of the
Orca Mating in The Bremer Canyon A truely extraordinary day as we witnessed Orca mating in the Bremer Canyon right under our feet! Queen (Split Tip) had the attention of a young male known as Hookfin and was leading him on a journey away from the rest of her family as this amorous male swam...
How Do Killer Whales (Orca) Sleep? How do Killer Whales (Orca) Sleep? Unlike ourselves they are not able to fall into a deep sleep, unaware of their surroundings and leaving themselves vulnerable to drowning. Orca and many other cetaceans will shut down one half of their brain at a time to rest, while the
Bremer Orca Three Generations Three generations of the same Bremer Orca family greeted us this morning on our arrival in the canyon. Matriarch Queen (Split Tip), daughter Flapper and her new calf Stormy swam directly at our bow and alongside our vessel as our marine scientist Vale could
Peaceful Pilot Whales of Bremer Peaceful Pilot Whales of Bremer were skimming the surface as the glassy conditions provided a window into their watery world. The picturesque day provided the perfect opportunity to see the reflection of the white saddle patch glowing below the surface as their
Hunt Like an Orca Today we were one step ahead of the Orca and they were fashionably late! To be with the Orca you must hunt like an Orca and we were a little bit excited to get the party started and found ourselves 20 minutes ahead of schedule in the exact location that the Orca would begin travelling towards in half an hour.
Orca and Pilot Whale Surge Arriving in the canyon we were greeted by B-Slice launching into the sky and soon after landing approaching us with a big chunk of squid in his mouth! A magnificent morning with 100+ Orca and Pilot Whales all surging at once as we were completely surrounded by cetaceans.
Best Bremer Bay Orca Experience Phenomenal day with the Orca as today really was one of the best Bremer Bay Orca Experience as we arrived in the canyon to triple breaching Orca just off our bow! Swirl and her family had launched into an extraordinary display of surface activity including breaching, tail
Bremer Canyon Orca Experience The Bremer Canyon Orca Experience is an incredible journey to a very special place in the world where the apex predator of the ocean hunts and socialises in record numbers.
Killer Whale Surge in the Bremer Canyon Joining the Pod we were part of the Killer Whale surge this morning as Queen and her family took off at full speed towards the rest of their pod who had just made a fresh kill of squid and the energy levels were high!
Queen of the Bremer Canyon A day after meeting the King it was time for the Queen of the Bremer Canyon to arrive today as she brought along her granddaughter little Stormy to socialise with us and Maleko's family pod in the canyon. A fantastic day to observe the social behaviour amongst the different age groups...
Bremer Canyon Orca A380 Elvis is alive! The King of the Bremer Canyon took our breath away as he surfaced alongside our bow this morning as his name could be heard right through the boat as Orca A380 appeared after a non sighting absence of 2 years. Concerns that the King of the Bremer Canyon may have come to the end of his reign..
Southern Ocean Orca Our day with the Southern Ocean Orca was an extraordinary one as we enjoyed beautiful weather and two familiar pods of Orca, El Notcho's pod and B-Slice's pod were both travelling together. Arriving in the Patch we were greeted by B-Slice and his family who surged past our port side in an incredibly quick
The Oceans Rembrandt's The Oceans Rembrandt's are completely priceless, so precious that the world wouldn't be the same without them... we are talking about our Orca and cetaceans of course!
Babysitting Bremer Bay Orca Today we were left with a big responsibility, babysitting Bremer Bay Orca calves! The mums had decided to leave us with the little ones for the day and they were ready to play as they raced towards our vessel and enjoyed practicing their hunting on a large jellyfish.
What Orca Eat Beaked Whale? What Orca eat Beaked Whale? The question is an important one as not all Orca eat other marine mammals, some specialise in hunting shark while others love salmon. So when a juvenile Beaked Whale went flying skyward today after one of the Orca charged him we were all holding our breathe!
West Coast Orcas West Coast Eagles Premiership players joined Western Australia's Premier Whale Watch company today as we journeyed to the West Coast Orcas in the Bremer Canyon. Greeting us at the continental shelf was a super pod of 1,000+ Offshore Bottlenose Dolphins...