Wobbles the Whale

Pearl Bed Today was a peaceful morning spent with Pearl and Mother Of Pearl as they snoozed under the overcast sky and seemed completely calm with their surroundings. Pearl is really starting to show some fantastic size and doesn't look so small next to mum anymore! Very special... Pearl is Breaching!!! A moment we will remember forever! Pearl was practicing her Southern Right Whale behaviours today when all of a sudden she breached and we all as one felt immense happiness... these are the special moments you dream about Fabulous Friday! A beautiful Friday morning greeted us today with warm sunshine and calm conditions. Mother Of Pearl was very happy to see us and decided to arch that beautiful back of hers again given us such a fantastic view of her and an appreciation for just how big she is! Pearl i... Mother Of Pearl Sunbathing Mother Of Pearl was trying to catch a few rays today and tan up her belly in time for our fast approaching Spring... just kidding! Although it certainly did look like she had rolled onto her back to do a bit of sunbathing she seemed to be trying to stop Pearl from havi... Rains Out, Schools In A blanket of winter rain settled over Flinders Bay today and it was a picture perfect rainy winters day in this beautiful region. For our female Southern Right Whales it was the perfect opportunity to take a few moments to teach their calves some important behaviours a.. Leeuwi & Friends Leeuwi was enjoying exploring Flinders Bay with mum and we sighted him on both our morning and afternoon tours. Lately mum has had a new male escort with her who has helped add a little bit of extra protection for Leeuwi and he is certainly starting to become a charact... Mother Of Pearl Smiles Today we looked at the most beautiful smile in the world... Mother Of Pearls smile! The rain was gently falling today on a beautiful calm morning and we were enjoying these peaceful moments watching Pearl and her mum when all of a sudden Mother Of Pearl lifted her rost... Leeuwi King Of Flinders Bay Our darling baby Humpback Leeuwi was sighted today on both our morning and afternoon tours and is certainly enjoying becoming King of Flinders Bay! Most of the big boisterous Humpbacks have moved past Augusta and have reached the breeding/calving grounds found in the K... Learning From Mother Of Pearl The beautiful experiences you have watching a mother teaching her calf never cease to amaze us. Today Mother Of Pearl was repeatedly lifting her massive tail fluke out of the water and encouraging little Pearl to do the same. After a few close attempts Pearl managed it... Mother Of Pearl Breaching! Wow! Today we had to "babysit" Pearl the White Southern Right whale calf while her mother (named Mother Of Pearl Pearl and Leeuwi Re-Sighted Baby whales everywhere! Such a special day today as we re-sighted our beloved Pearl the White Southern Right Whale Calf and on our afternoon tour we met our darling Leeuwi the baby Humpback and his mum who were enjoying a beautiful day out on Flinders Bay. This is a ve... Double Pec Slapping This afternoon we had two big Humpbacks putting on a big show of breaching, head lunging and even double pec slapping... all synchronized! Perfectly timed it was beautiful to watch as these two whales called in the attention of a few other Humpbacks in the area. We als... White Southern Right Calf✨ Sometimes in life you get the opportunity to see something extraordinarily beautiful... today was certainly one of those days. This morning we met the most gorgeous white Southern Right Whale calf and her mother and everyone on board was beyond excited, we were ecstati... Happy Birthday Leeuwi Today is Leeuwi our baby Humpback's first month birthday! As we left the marina we soon sighted off in the distance little Leeuwi and his mum who started to move straight towards us. One month ago on the 28th of June we sighted Leeuwi who was only a few hours old... Breaching Baby Southern Right A brilliant day on Flinders Bay today with a very special encounter with a very happy baby Southern Right whale who decided to show off his moves Close to the Coast Our Humpback whales have been enjoying spending some time close to the Flinders Bay coastline and resting before continuing their migration north. We have sighted many pods of two whales (male/female Humpback) and a few competition pods as well. After already travellin... Mum Shows Off Leeuwi! Little Leeuwi the baby Humpback who was born on the 28th of June and his mum have provided us with some incredible moments for our season so far in Augusta, but today she decided it was time to show off her baby Leeuwi! After spending a few minutes with this pod we qui... Once In a Lifetime Tour! Leaving the marina this morning we did not expect to be a part of a once in a lifetime tour. We noticed a pod about 200 meters away and as we stopped our vessel to determine what type of pod and where they were moving suddenly all whales turned directly towards our ves... Pretty Woman Fantastic experience today as we watched a very Pretty Woman (Whale The Three Amigos! On our morning tour today we had an incredibly close encounter with a big male Humpback who moved past our bow like a torpedo! Absolutely incredible energy and he was only centimetres from our bow. He was one of the "Three Amigos" we met this morning, a Bachelor Pod of... Humpback + Dolphin = Fun! After a weekend of bad weather it was absolutely wonderful to be back out on Flinders Bay and our gorgeous whales gave us the most wonderful welcome back! On both our morning and afternoon tours we had Humpback whales interacting with Dolphin pods and then turning thei... First Southern Right, Breaching & Leeuwi We are super excited! Our very first Southern Right whale was sighted yesterday and what made this sighting even more special is that this whale had a newborn calf with her Opera Serenade to Our Whales We experienced one of the most beautiful moments we have had in Flinders Bay this afternoon as our very talented guest was kind enough to share her incredible talent as she serenaded our whales with a beautiful song❤️ A magical moment we will treasure and remember alwa... Baby Humpback Re-sighted It was another happy morning out on Flinders Bay today which became even happier when we discovered our baby Humpback again! As usual he was keeping very quite so it wasn't until 10 minutes after we had spent some time with this pod that we sighted him safe in mums sha...