Wobbles the Whale

Familiar Faces in the Perth Humpback Crowd Guess who we met again today? The same superstar mum from yesterday and her gorgeous calf who raced towards us for a big greeting and it was almost as if we could hear her saying, "How you doing?". She was instantly recognisable by the large healing scar that was locat...
Rottnest Island Humpbacks Secret Women's Business We were greeted today by six mother and calf pods who were sighted in-between Rottnest Island and Hillarys Boat Harbour. The mother Humpbacks were up to secret women's business as they taught their calves the art of flirtation today
Meet and Greet Humpbacks Two mother and calf pods were enjoying a little bit of meet and greet today as we met the pod of four frolicking around on the surface and the calves enjoying every bit of the fun! The white glow of a big Humpback belly can be seen even a few meters below the surface a...
Humpback Whales Rottnest Island Holiday Destination The need for the resting grounds located along our coastline are vital for the survival of calves on their very first southern migration. These sheltered and protected waters allow time for feeding, rest and play which help every Western Australian Humpback calf to gro...
Humpback Whale Breaching Practice off Perth Beaches Barrel rolls and breaches were practiced today by the most beautiful female Humpback calf as she showed off to us for over an hour with over 40+ breaches! Conditions today were perfect for making a bit of noise on the waters surface and after two feeds from mum (every...
Scarborough Beach Whales Today was the perfect day for a mother and calf pod to practice their tail dives and we can say they were a big ten out of ten! Swimming towards us, we recognised this pod from one that we sighted yesterday and both seemed pleased to be in our company again... almost a...
Airborne Humpback Calves off Fremantle What happens when you have four mother and calf pods being chased by one cheeky young male Humpback... airborne calves and whales everywhere! This young male was just trying to make a good impression towards the females but as their focus was purely on their calves he...
Fremantle Whales in Paradise The conditions today were so clear and calm we could easily see the grains of sand on the seabed floor! Truly incredible to have a sneak peek into the underwater world of our whales and dolphins as we cruised over reef, sand and sea☀️ A mother Humpback and her calf wer...
Perth's Hungry Whale Calf The easterly winds create crystal clear waters just off the coast of Perth which allowed us to recognise the moment today a young and hungry Humpback calf was feeding from mum in only ten meters of water. After slowly approaching our vessel the young calf decided all t...
Cottesloe Beach Whale Watch Today we met the most curious little Humpback calf just off Cottesloe Beach and he seemed very happy to meet us
Whale Watching Rottnest Island Spectacular whale watching today off Rottnest Island as a large black bellied female Humpback breached only meters away from our bow as she communicated the Language of the Whales towards another pod and encouraged her calf to join in on the conversation and practice h...
Mother Humpback vs Shark off Rottnest Island We had a showdown today just off of Rottnest Island as a protective mother Humpback defended her calf from a 1.5 meter shark that had been sighted in the area. Full body breaches had all 30+ tonnes landing on the surface and we could see in the distance her body clear...
Hillarys Whale Watching It was yet another beautiful day off the coast of Perth and as we made our way from the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour we were met by Hiccups the local Bottlenose Dolphin and a few of his friends actively hunting in the harbour. We soon sighted a sleepy mother and calf...
Western Australia Whales in the Sound Footprint Female Humpbacks and their calves were hanging out in the most popular place to be this Tuesday morning in Western Australia as they disappeared in the sound footprint created by reef and ships just off the coast of Fremantle. We enjoyed watching seven mother and calf...
Humpback Whales Double Tail Dive off Perth A glorious morning in Perth today as we sighted pod after pod of mothers and calves, a lone flying fish and a big bachelor pod of five male Humpbacks. There were so many Humpback Whales around everywhere we looked and it was exciting to observe a range of different beh...
Fremantle Kindergarten for Humpback Whales School was in as four mother and calf pods all converged together to create a big kindergarten pod of eight Humpback Whales today. They were practicing peduncle slaps, tail slaps and pec slaps as the females watched over their playful calves. What was very interesting...
Humpback Whale Spy Hop off Hillarys Curious by nature our migrating Humpback Whales will often perform a behaviour known as a spy hop when wanting to establish what is happening just above the surface. This is true for all age groups and today after watching a young Humpback calf practice her pectoral sl...
Best Time to See Humpback Calves in Perth We are starting to see the peak of our southern Humpback migration as over twenty mother and calf pods were sighted today surrounding the coast just off Perth! We met a very special pod of two mother and calf pairs who had joined up and school was in for the morning as...
Perth Whales Breaching It was a rather spectacular start to the day as off in the distance a female Humpback cleared the ocean with a massive head lunge and her calf quickly followed with a breach. The surface activity continued as both mother and calf breached and peduncle slapped their way...
Whale Watch Perth Sunshine, Humpback calves and friendly Bottlenose Dolphins completed the most beautiful Sunday Perth morning today☀️ The perfect conditions were drawing a crowd of boat traffic towards Rottnest Island and we found ourselves acting just like a male escort Humpback as we...
Perth Telethon Whales The whales of Western Australia must be breaching with excitement and celebrating Telethon's 50th Anniversary which all starts this weekend
Baby Whales Off Fremantle The baby Humpback Whales have started to arrive in big numbers and the waters off Fremantle are fast becoming a playground for these enthusiastic calves. When we have a number of mother and calves around we often will have the opportunity to sight surface activity as t...
Fremantle's Humpback Mother's & Calves Breaching We had a spectacular example of the Language of the Whales today as three separate mother and calf pods communicated with explosive energy that had us believing the young calf wanted to fly! All three mothers were communicating slightly differently, one started the con...
Whale Watch at Rottnest Island Another magnificent day that ended with a big splash as a young Humpback calf shared a fantastic display of surface behaviour with breach after breach